Friday, March 15, 2013

Hello, Poeple of Earth!

My name is Fiona.
I'm thirteen year old.
I'm in seventh grade.
One of my favorite series is Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
Another is Heroes of Olympus.
Both of them are by Rick Riordan.
Because you are reading this blog, I am assuming you have read both those series, or are in the process of reading them.
If you haven't already read them, or are in the process of reading them, you should go to this link:
And purchase the book.
O.K. your'e probably annoyed with me for making a new paragraph for each sentence.
So I am going to stop.
Like now.

I first started reading Percy Jackson when I was nine.  I forget how long it took me to read them, probably between one and two weeks to read all five.  I do remember that I read The Last Olympian in a day.  So I finished them and I went on to read other books. I liked them a lot but not enough to go online and find out if there would be more.  So I didn't know anything about Heroes of Olympus for quite awhile.
 One day I went to the library, and I was combing through the kids section looking for a book to read, when I found The Lost Hero.  I picked it up and I was like, "this is by the same author as Percy Jackson and the Olympians, maby I should read it".  So I took it out and read it. It was pretty good.
I'd kind of forgotten about it, until one day I was at the book store. I was getting some other book, and I saw this display of The Son of Neptune.  So I bought it and I read it, and I couldn't wait for The Mark of Athena to come out.
Now I am dying for House of Hades to get here.

The reason I made this blog is because, about three months ago I was trying to find cool Percy Jackson websites. I found one of the official websites and there was a link to Rick Riordans blog. I clicked it, and I started to read his blog.
That gave me the idea to look for Percy Jackson Blogs instead of websites.  I've found a lot of Percy Jackson blogs, but my favorite so far is definitely Please go and check it out!
I was thinking it would be cool if I made my own blog,  but I was also thinking "there are only two more Percy Jackson books to come, it's kind of late to start a blog."  But then I found Percy Jackson Fans Unite (the link above)  and he only started that blog, like, four months ago.  So I now have a blog!

On this blog I plan to write my opinions and predictions and whatever else about Percy Jackson and his adventures.  If you are going to read this blog I have a request. You MUST comment all the time.  Even if the comment is irrelevant or pointless I don't care.  The more you comment the more I post. Thank you!

If you want to email me for some reason with an idea or something, that's fine. My email address is
Yes there are two A's type both of them.

This has probably been a long and boring post.  But I promise I blog something interesting within the next 24 hours.
Good bye for now!

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